Animated Weather Widget, Clock

Animated Weather Widget, Clock

Ramalan cuaca animasi: efek video yang realistis, Gratis!
Jam Digital widget 4x2 dengan aplikasi Prakiraan cuaca dan wallpaper hidup. Efek videoi ndah realistis berkabut, hujan dan salju memberikan sensasi yang jelas dari kondisi cuaca saat ini atau masa depan untuk lebih dari 50.000 lokasi di seluruh dunia

Different size widgets with a clock and a forecast for the selected day.

- Desktop widgets with digital clock
- Animated daily weather forecast
- Realistic Video effects of cloudiness, rain and snow
- Multiple scene landacapes
- Custom (user-defined) backgrounds

- Global world weather
- 50000+ locations worldwide
- Auto update forecast
- Data in Metric/Imperial
- Geolocation (GPS Search)
Features in Development
- Animated widget
- Live wallpapers
- Multiple locations / cities
- Weather for GPS location
- Improve video effects
- Local weather providers
- Skins
Download Animated Weather Widget, Clock : download

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