Seesmic (Facebook, Twitter)

Seesmic (Facebook, Twitter)

Seesmic for Android adalah salah satu aplikasi yang cukup populer yang digunakan sebagai aplikasi jejaring sosial pada perangkat mobile berbasis Android, kini Seesmic mencoba menawarkan layanan yang lebih dari sebelumnya dengan memberikan update terbaru pada aplikasiny

The best way to manage your social networks in a simple app.
Seesmic is the best way to manage your social networks in one powerful and yet simple app. You can see and update your Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz and Salesforce Chatter accounts all at the same time, search and get notifications for new messages! You can share photos, videos and location using the service of your choice like Plixi, yFrog, TwitPic and even YouTube. We also include a widget so you won’t ever miss a single update, from any service.
Our features include:
- Full integration of Facebook, including management and posting to Facebook pages you are an admin of
- The best Twitter client on Android, with all the features you need in a simple but powerful interface: multiple Twitter accounts support, cross-posting, lists, retweets, Twitlonger integration for longer tweets, conversation thread view for public conversations and a lot more!
- Integration of Google Buzz with full inline preview of links and photos
- Integration of Salesforce Chatter, the enterprise social network so you can communicate with your company and exchange information from other networks like Twitter back inside you enterprise
- Shortcuts: add shortcuts to accounts, the composer, searches, lists, Facebook pages, chatter groups,... directly on your phone home screens, anywhere you want!
Download Seesmic : download atau via android market

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